Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Grow little seeds, Grow!

So it's that time of year again, when I start planting seeds in my beautiful greenhouse. Blaine made my greenhouse for me for Mother's Day quite a few years ago and it is my sanctuary. Whatever is bothering me I can go into my greenhouse and suddenly worries disappear. In January, I usually start perusing the Gurney's catalog for fun new things to plant and the tried and true favorites. The first of March I start planting but this year I didn't get my seeds until the end of March because Gurney's decided that it was not the right season to plant them yet. Really!??! I had no idea but once I explained I had a greenhouse, they sent them right away. Last year, I plant everything I could get my hands on; cabbage, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes galore, watermelon and every type of flower you can imagine. This year however, I decided to scale back—A LOT! Sam and I planted only tomatoes, watermelon and dahilas. That's it. My greenhouse looks like Mother Hubbard's cupboard but considering that I am growing the ultimate seed, I think I can cut myself some slack.

This is unfortunately the only picture I got. My camera battery decided to die right after this. I hate that!

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