Friday, June 4, 2010


This past week, I promised Blaine that instead of freaking out about things that I can't control, I would keep my mind busy. So....

The quilt I made a few years ago is finally finished.

I started obsessing over making two perfect diaper bags.(Really, I could have just bought one. I'm sure it would have been cheaper!)The pattern seemed really simple until I started but since I thought I would change some pockets and add some more pockets, it has gotten too confusing with my pregnancy brain and I have since passed my project from hell to my mom.

These are all great but what I really should be doing is start getting ready for the babies! I have hit an emotional road block. I CANNOT seem to get started.Once I get started on trying to figure out what is going to be needed, I panic. What would have been a simple task with one, it becomes seemingly insurmountable when two are involved.It is so overwhelming! There are double the amount of swings, bottles, diapers, onesies, clothes, blankets, car seats, carriers, etc.......As for the clothes and diapers, I am sure that they will be preemie but for how long? How many preemie diapers and preemie clothes will they need and will they gain weight quickly and be out of them in a month? So many questions and so little answers.

I'm pretty sure that I am driving Blaine and my family crazy because I have always been a planner. They ask me what I have bought or made and I get that far away look and quickly change the subject or say that there is still plenty of time, which they promptly notify me of my bed rest and how close that actually is. Which in turn, I do one of two things or even both; I start to cry and/or panic and I still don't get anything done!

So I promise myself that I WILL start on Monday and let my family kick me in the butt, if I don't!


  1. I will come help if you want. Not sure what I can do, but I can lend some moral support. I'm kinda starting to freak out with my little bun in the oven too.

  2. Ohhh, I love you that much more for being a little quilter!!! That is ONE thing I do not have patience for! Your quilt is awesome though....fabulous job you!!! SO....I know I have mentioned this before but Kirsti and I (and our Sending Smiles gals) really want to do something for you! We could do a onsie drive, a diaper drive, send preemie outfits, burp name it! Please, Please, Please email me and let me know what we can do to help you prepare! I'm also getting a rid of quite a few baby items myself....what are you in extra need of? Email I live in Idaho Falls and from what I can gather, you're not too far away!!! :O) Soooo happy to see those little cuties growing and getting bigger! Talk to you soon!!!

  3. Let me know what I can do to help you out.....I have been wanting to do something, just not sure what would be best-
