Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I've stole this idea from my friend Niki because it is such a great way to express gratitude for the everyday things in my life. Thanks Niki! I'm 100% positive that there will not be a post everyday but at least I will give it a good go.

November 1st:

I am so grateful for Blaine. For those of you who are not familiar with him. He is the whirlwind that blows in every direction. He is rarely EVER still. He is constantly moving, whether that be playing or working. Lately, it has been more working than playing though. This year has been extremely trying for obvious reasons and not once has he given up and stopped. He also has the "Can Do" attitude in life. Nobody can tell him that he can't. He will go out of his way to prove them otherwise. That part of his character can drive me up the wall sometimes but when it comes to his multiple sclerosis, I will gladly let him prove that it will not get the best of him.

After almost 18 years of concrete, he found another job and hung up his concrete tools and is now building houses. It is amazing to see the change in his attitude. He is smiling more and his outlook on life isn't so doom and gloom. Not to mention the lack of that stinking form oil! OK-that's my dislike!! That crap was awful and it NEVER came out of clothes!

Blaine has been VERY understanding and patient with my extreme emotions this last few months and for that I am extremely grateful. He never knows what he is going to see when when comes through the door at night. It's like a game show where you never know what's behind Door #1! He always gives me a hug and tell me he loves me, even when I am really not open to the idea at the moment. He will hold me until the tears stop or take over the boys when it is obvious that I can't take another minute.

When Blaine & I were at the point of giving up on more children, he made the comment that he was kind of glad that there wouldn't be anymore kids because how could he give each child the attention they deserve? Well....as for that, he is doing wonderfully. It may be chaotic at times but each boy gets a little "Daddy" time. Last night, it was a football game with the twins. The day before, there was a Lego disaster on my floor from Blaine playing with Sam and How to Train Your Pet Dragon on the t.v. for the hundredth time. I think he is doing a great job of balancing.

All in all, Blaine is a great man and I am so lucky that he is in my life.

1 comment:

  1. He is a great guy! You're both lucky to have one another!
