Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life with twins

Whoever told me that twins get easier after the first few months is a LIAR and I will be hunting them down to give them a piece of my mind. It was the one thing I clung to when the boys were will get easier, it will get easier...Well, it has gotten so much harder.If the day hasn't ended in tears then I overdosed on my medication!

They are running out of room in their crib because they WILL NOT sleep toe to toe, head to head or even apart. It has to be side by side or on occasion this way...

 Baby food time has started. I think teaching them to eat like little piggies with a trough would be so much easier. It can't get any messier!

Bath time has now moved to the tub. I thought it would be fun to finally see them in the tub together. I must have been out of my mind! Giggle, giggle, splash, cough, scream, giggle, giggle, splash, cough, scream, repeat. You get the idea.

You would think with two babies they wouldn't need to have you in their eye shot all the time.'s just one more crying baby when you walk away.

Alex has become the ultimate binkie stealer. He doesn't want to suck on it, he just doesn't want Colton to have it, which you can imagine just makes Colton furious.

They are also constantly sucking on each others appendages. However, Alex is now getting bit by the Colton's tiny tooth that keeps indenting itself in his skin. Possibly a payback for all the binkie stealing? Regardless, Alex voices his displeasure by screaming at the top of his lungs.

They have also perfected the art of "pauses". You know those little naps that couldn't possibly be longer than ten minutes? Yep, those! It's not bad if just one would lay their quietly until I came to get him but noooo, binkies must be stolen, tooth marks must be made until they are both awake and I'm on my knees by the crib begging, "Please, please go back to sleep!"

Then there are these moments when I am reminded of what blessings that I have and I wouldn't have it any other way. Our lives were getting too quiet anyway!!

So, you get the idea of my day, which by the way starts at 5:00 a.m. So please don't judge when this blog gets updated once in a blue moon. Also note that if you are the one that told me it would get easier...I will be dropping the boys off shortly!


  1. :) haha..ok so I might have told you that it gets easier...but's the easiest stage...BUT it's not an EASY stage :) THE worst is to come. I'm so sorry, that's just depressing to tell you. But it's the truth. I'm dying right now :)lol Read my blog. The stealing and biting gets Worse. You're right though...the sweet moments are PRICELESS and it makes it all worth it!

    I hated having to start feeding them. Bottles only is soooo much easier!
    Maybe if you got two cribs they would sleep better and not wake each other up? Good luck it's always a guessing game on What will work best.

  2. You are too funny! I always get a chuckle out of your posts. Your boys are adorable!

  3. That is hilarious!! And I can only laugh because it is not me. You are doing a fantastic job and have a beautiful family!!!
